
I know there are Meta-Physicians among you who are moved by Spirit. Go to my page Metaphysical Freedom and contribute. You can write as many pages of quality content as you are moved to. You will receive full credit.

This is a great way to Live Consciously and pay it forward.

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I look forward to the Spiritual Growth we all will receive from each other.

I am blessed being able to present this website. Everyone who writes comments or articles I am forever grateful.

let go an let god


let go an let god and start Living Consciously. Free Daily Affirmations will give you a good start.

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Healing World


Let our healing world do its job

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How To Control My Anger


how to control my anger

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Secret of happiness

The secret of happiness is not a secret. We all know the answer we just need to relearn it.

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contributing authors


Contributing Authors write your own page at

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Discipline and Desire


Discipline and Desire, do you know why your life is not the way you want it.

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Ebook Download Free

louise hay

Ebook download free has a few metaphysical books on Auras, Gemstones and how you can build your ownsite

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Metaphysics For Better Living using universal principles

spiritual dove

Metaphysics For Better Living, Learning how to naturally combine metaphysics and God into a beautiful way of living

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this is who i am


this is who i am does this apply to you. Find out

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lets live for today


lets live for today, we cannot change the past

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dealing with guilt

Dealing with guilt. Most of us are an accumulation of thoughts given to us by society. As infants we are perfect in every way. A true expression of God.

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will the world get better

james allen

will the world get better is about changing our world before it is to late.

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guilt and shame in recovery


guilt and shame in recovery, Is this something that affects your Spiritual Growth.

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where does consciousness come from

where does consciousness come from or a more Enlighten life. Learn to create a better tomorrow

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power of your love


power of your love Are you sure you know what love is.

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Letting off the happiness

Louise Hay

Letting Off The Happiness can never be provided by someone else. It comes from the inside.

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long term effects of alcoholism

long term effects of alcoholism can and will affect your relationships and your life can be devastating.

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you can heal your life

Louise Hay

you can heal your life is where you can get information on the spiritual causes of everyday aliment

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Addiction and Relapse

Addiction and Relapse how to manage it

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Healing Mind System


Healing Mind System,The mind is very powerful and it can create a outcome whether it is real or not. It creates what our intentions are.

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Training for utopia

Our spiritual journey compels us to help others in training for utopia

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buy cbd oil online


buy cbd oil online and get the best quality and price

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high quality cbd oil


high quality cbd oil is here, i will tell you why

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What Is Spiritual Science and how it helps in the understanding of Universal Laws. We are only limited by the limitations we put on ourselves.

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What Is Change

what is change, Only the key to happiness.

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What is self compassion

what is self compassion, it is a way to become a better friend, mother father, you get it.

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why always me

your past

why always me, You cannot out run your past.

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Spiritual Metaphysics

Spiritual Metaphysics The one thing that is a constant is Natural Laws of the world. These can not be changed. The sooner we learn to use and accept them the more Peaceful and content we will become.

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the power of love


the power of love is healing for everyone

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Spiritual Healing Methods

Spiritual Healing Methods are a way to get you back in touch with God

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Noetic Science


Noetic Science is the study of why we exist the meaning of being conscious and our awareness of God

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Is Life Worth Living


Is Life Worth Living, it is if you learn about yourself. get out of your negative thoughts

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definition of consciousness3


Definition of Consciousness3 may mean something different for everyone. I see it misused on the internet and it can be a misleading term. Lets start with, What do you want to accomplish?

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Definition Of Consciousness2


Definition of Consciousness2 may mean something different for everyone. I see it misused on the internet and it can be a misleading term. Lets start with, What do you want to accomplish?

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Definition of Consciousness


Definition of Consciousness may mean something different for everyone. I see it misused on the internet and it can be a misleading term. Lets start with, What do you want to accomplish?Inducing Consciousness can happen.

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Ways To Improve Mental Health

Ways To Improve Mental Health

ways to improve mental health

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I Think I Need Help


I Think I Need Help!

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Boost Your Health From Head-To-Toe


Boost Your Health From Head-To-Toe ,With 6 Simple Changes

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Plug In To Source

As reported by Dr. Steven Greer, one of the most revelatory phenomena to come out of the military disclosure of extraterrestrial technologies is using

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The Great Turning

Most of us have, as standard equipment, a bullshit detector. It is that inner alarm that sounds off during cognitive dissonance, or when something doesn't

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We Are The Divine Intervention

Permeating the human psyche is the illusion of The Other. It lives as a mental construct that at times seems palpable, especially when under the thumb

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power of positive thinking

power of positive thinking is worth it if you try

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What was there before the big bang?

What was there before the big bang? I have to assume this . Let me assume there was “Nothing” before big bang . “How did Nothing” look like? I want to

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Thank you

I do not answer or thank everyone who contributes personally. Not sure this has been the best practice. I am very thankful to everyone and in the future I will answer all.

Blessings Rev.Bill

positive thinking tips_positive thinking exercises


Positive Thinking Tips_Positive Thinking Exercises,The Power of Positive Thinking can enhance your life like beyond what you can imagine. Include this practice in your everyday life

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Quantum Balance Crystals


Quantum Balance Crystals are handmade with lots of love in the USA. Each piece has hundreds of thousands of tiny nano-scale quartz crystals invisible to the naked eye, as well as decorative visible cr

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