Best Spiritual Books

The Best Spiritual Books are the ones that opens you up to change. A good Book can lead you places that know one else can. It will ring true to you and in the pit of your stomach you will know it is for you. There was many times when reading a book I got this AH HA moment and my mind would open up and I could see things differently. The best spiritual books and authors will open you up in ways you could not have imagined.

Why is studying the best spiritual books important!

Life is a journey that we must actively fertilize. We do this by studying and reading the best spiritual books we can find. When we pursue spirituality and work at this we find ourselves becoming happier and more content. 

I am a Science of Mind minister and I quote from Ernest Holmes the Founder of  Science of Mind and my teachers text. I do believe this teaching is clear to understand. Below will give you a little understanding of why we need spiritual books and people in our life's to grow. Some of us my self included did not always understand how important it is to understand the dynamics of our evolution.


The Evolution of Man's Thought INSTINCTIVE MAN

"If we traced man's history back into the dim past we should come to a place where he did not consciously know himself. We should come to a place where Instinctive Man alone existed; for the self-conscious man had not yet evolved. Nothing can be more apparent than that man, as he now appears, is the result of growth and unfoldment. But in order to unfold, he had to have something from which to unfold, and since he is intelligent, he must have unfolded from an intelligent cause. Instinctive Man, then, means that Inner Something, or Life, which we do not see but which is, of course, there. We might say that Instinctive Life is God in man, or the idea of God, working through man. But if Instinctive Man is an idea of God, why is he not perfect? The answer is that he is perfect, but that as soon as individuality is evolved he must be left alone to discover himself. Even God could not make a mechanical Individuality. If man is created with the attributes of self-choice and free will, he must be let alone to make the great discovery for himself.


We note, that from the day when Instinctive Life brought man to the point of self-choice, it let him alone, and from that day Instinctive Life has waited on man's unfoldment. It is true that during all this time it has carried on the automatic functions of the body and has even silently told man what to do; but it has let him alone in all other ways. It may, and must, hold man as a perfect being, but it also must let him discover this fact for himself. During all of this time, however, Instinctive Life, or God, must be silently waiting for the great discovery to be made and must always be ready to respond to man's advancement. We note this to be true along the line of man's progress. For instance, consider the discovery of any of nature's forces; we know that they must have always existed; but, so far as man is concerned, they exist to him only after he has discovered, and learned how to make use of them. Electricity was a reality in the universe when Moses led the Children of Israel from the land of Egypt, but neither Moses nor any of his followers knew anything about it, and so they did not receive any benefits from its use. This is true of 9 any and all of the natural laws; they always existed, and as soon as understood may be used. In this way, Instinctive Life waits upon man's discovery of the natural laws and his discovery of himself and his relationship to the great Whole. If this is so evidently true of all the forces in the natural world we must expect to find the same thing to be true of those inner and finer forces within man. The unfoldment of these inner and finer forces through man is what we call his evolution." Ernest Holmes Living the Science of Mind

I have many pages about alcohol and drug recovery. If you or someone you know is having a problem these books may help. Go to My Page eBook Download Free. 

I also have a page NEW AGE AUTHORS SELF HELP BOOKS that might be able to help you find an author.

Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" I read this book somewhere around 1972 and was totally entertained and came away with an enlighten heart. It was one of the first books that really touched me. You can go to my page eBook Download Free for a copy.

There is a lot we do not know and by investigating different spiritual content we can expand our universe to help us and others. When we interact with others in spiritual or religious groups we will find that we are more connected. We will also like to here from others what the best spiritual books were that helped them.

What Is Your Favorite Book?

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For us to Live Consciously we need to show our LOVE.

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