Where Does Consciousness Come From

Where Does Consciousness Come From

Living Consciously is the foundation of Enlightenment

And now if you are wondering why? I will help you to understand. All spiritual teachers have talked about the path to enlightenment. That by becoming more aware of yourself and your surroundings will you be able to evolve.

The Definition of Conscious is“To be aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts and surroundings”.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Another way of saying soul. The Bible says, soul; the psycho-analyst says, unconscious; the psychologist says, subjective or subconscious; and the metaphysician says, consciousness. All have the same meaning. Science of Mind.

Where Does Consciousness Come From the dictionary says this: According to neuroscientists, consciousness is generated by the brain, but there is no consensus on how it's created.

No one is capable of making you upset without your consent, so if you begin practicing the intention to be authentic and peaceful with everyone, you connect to peace itself and gain the power to change the energy of your relationships with family and friends

Wayne Dyer

Without the ability to be conscious we would not exist. So by expanding your consciousness you see the world differently. Also your experiences change and the way you view people, places and things will give you a nice feel good attitude.

This website Metaphysics-For-Better-Living is dedicated to giving you all the tools necessary to enrich your Body-Mind-Soul and Spirit.

What I would like to talk about is, how do we let go of our past. RACE MIND thinking which is the collective thoughts of our society. It Is definitely having a negative impact on how we think. How many of us live in the past or fear the future. We all have that one haunting thing or that fear that takes away our Peace and Serenity.

This stops us from Living Consciously.
Learn about living consciously for a happier & fulfilling life.


Where Does Consciousness Come From?
Living Consciously in the Moment!

We do not have to go through pain to get to the next level.

This is where the Power of Positive Thinking comes in.

We are what we think, We are what we believe.

If I were to say to you, right now, Look how stressful it is now a days to get into your car and drive into the city. You all know how many nuts there are out there. If I did not give any other explanation, some of you, the next time you got into your cars, would experience stress and negativity.

This is the Race Mind thinking I spoke about.

Remember the Law of Attraction is always working.

Other peoples opinions and thoughts have got to become less important to us. Trust yourself to know the truth. How many times did you feel in the pit of your stomach that something you were going to do, some important decision was going to be made only to talk yourself out of it. Dare to listen to your inner self. Trust that the decisions you make will be for your higher good. The past is dead and gone. You can Create anything you want. You can be or do anything.

Living Consciously is a way of life.




JESUS promised us this.


That is a Tremendous and Powerful statement. We have it all we always had. We do not have to search for it or work for it, we have always had it. So lets start expressing the good in our lives. Lets dare to be positive, and lets not except negativity anymore.

Make a strong effort to start Living Consciously. It takes no more effort to be positive as it does to be negative. Lets look around and see the beauty in the world. Nothing is going to change unless you change it.

Go to my page on Daily Affirmations and let me help you start creating your unique Universe.

Living Consciously is believing in yourself. Knowing your Oneness with GOD. See your Oneness with GOD. Act like you can change your life and miraculously it will change. The past will be gone and wonderful things will start appearing in your life.

The Universe is always manifesting, we are really a part of everything that is. GOD is always positive. GOD is Love, Peace and Joy. Remember your oneness and the connection we have with each other and with the whole of the Universe.

There is only ONE GOD and the MIND OF GOD


Happiness is a choice
Though many of us speak as if our emotions happen to us, 
We believe that they are responses we choose in an effort to take care of ourselves.
Misery, fear, anger, distress, and discomfort are optional, not inevitable.
We can show you how to make emotional choices that enhance, 
rather than detract from, your life experience

Barry Neil Kaufman

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