What is 
Spiritual Science

You are the Embodiment of GOD
It's your Birthright

What Is Spiritual Science? It  is a way of life

Spiritual: Pertaining to or consisting of Spirit or Soul as distinguished from the physical nature. A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truth systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: The mathematical sciences.

New Age Spirituality , Metaphysics, and Philosophy are very close together in their studies. Basically Spiritual Science is the study and understanding of the laws that govern the universe.

Since the beginning of time man has been trying to understand GOD. We study our mind, our body and wonder what we are doing here.

Maybe. You would like to know what your purpose is in this life. All the great spiritual teachers understood the natural laws of the universe.

Being a Science of Mind minister, I will often refer to Ernest Holmes teachings. Ernest Holmes believed that it did not matter whether you were a Christian, a Jew or a member of any other religion by understanding these laws it would strengthen your knowledge of your religion.

The Bible, Hindu and Buddhist scripture’s all explain these spiritual laws.

A few in every generation have known that we live in a mental and spiritual world. Mental meaning our thoughts are creative. The mental medium in which we live produces Cause and Effect.

The Truth is Indivisible and Whole. God is Complete and Perfect. A Perfect Cause must produce a Perfect Effect.

God would not have put us here and not have given us the ability to discover ourselves, if we where not important. We are all born perfect with the ability to shape our life's. We have all the knowledge to create what is important to us. 

Over time we loose this because of pier pressure and others teachings in school or in society. It does not make them right or wrong but because we view them as important or smarter we start to slowly loose our spirituality. So this next part is important to learn so that we can remember who we are and start to embody the perfection that is us.

As Metaphysical Science gets more sophisticated we are discovering and learning that these universal laws do exist. So those who do not believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience will soon come around.

For us to discover the truth we will have to understand and embody the fact, we live in a perfect universe so it stands to reason that we are also perfect.

This next part is what scares us humans. If GOD created a perfect universe, there for we are also perfect, then who? Is creating our existence. That’s right we are! That includes all negative as well as the good. This is cause and effect. There is no escaping it. The sooner we realize this, and Spiritual Science is proving this. The faster we will live the perfect life GOD intended.

It does not matter what or who you call GOD, we are ONE with all that there is. We are only limited by the limitations we put on ourselves. Please take the time to explore this teaching website  Metaphysics-For-Better-Living and all it has to offer.

Know that you are GOD.

What Is Spiritual Science and how does it affect you?

"God gave humankind the gift of intuition, the gift of insight, the gift of inspiration. Why waste such a gift?"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is from Living the Science of Mind free to download from My page eBook Download Free.

"Science is knowledge of facts built around some proven principle. All that we know about any science is that certain things happen under certain conditions. Take electricity as an example; we know that there is such a thing as electricity; we have never seen it, but we know that it exists because we can use it; we know that it operates in a certain way and we have discovered the way it works. From this knowledge we go ahead and deduce certain facts about electricity; and, applying them to the general principle, we receive definite results. No one has ever seen the power or the energy that we call electricity; and the only proof we have that it really exists is that from it we receive light, heat and motive power. No one has ever seen any of the great causes that lie back of the manifestations of life, and perhaps no one ever will; but we know that such principles exist because we can use them".

These lessons are dedicated to that Truth,
which frees man from himself and sets him on the pathway of a new experience, which enables him to see through the mist to the Eternal and Changeless Reality.    

 Ernest Holmes

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