Authored by
Rev. C. J. St. Laurent D.D.

What is Universal Mind 2? Everything?  Did you think everything, or all things? Well than you’re right.

 What a dynamic thought. Just think about it, all things whether known or even unknown all come from the same Mind. Universal Mind

Universal Mind 2 and Understanding It.

Every creation you can think of is made of Universal Mind. WOW That means my Mind and your Mind are also of Universal Mind.

 Most people call that mind GOD. The Entity that created it ALL.

 Yep that’s the One. Now understanding that Mind or that part of our Mind, Which takes us to a whole different level and is where we want to Grow To.

 I would love to be able to tap in to that part of my mind consistently. I do use that part of my mind when I lift my self up to a Higher State of Consciousness.

When I realize that I am thinking with the Mind of God and when I do not get distracted by Race Mind thinking.

What is Race Mind thinking? It is the collective thinking of a group, maybe your family or society. We seem to go along with what other's think. Do not let religion, family or society steer your thinking from the truth. Your Truth not mine. Living Consciously is what takes me to the next level.

When I allow myself to be Real and Free and Feel and See Myself as the Image of Perfection which is my True Nature I then open myself to Great Discovery.

Now I am in the flow of Conscious Mind or Universal Mind. This will be something written about time and time again here at Metaphysics-For-Better-Living.

One of the greatest uses of the Gods Mind or Universal Consciousness was Jesus.  I think what excites me the most is that if he used that Mind so could everyone else.

As a matter of fact he does teach in the Bible  in John 14:12 Jesus says “…anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the father.”

In this scripture Jesus was saying that any one who has faith in him (his teachings) will be able to do greater things than he did. He is telling the people of the day they simply have to have faith and believe in what he was attempting to teach them.

 Here Jesus, as a great Spiritual Teacher was explaining Universal Laws and how they work. He was leading by example.

 So as we see This Mind is the answer to all of life’s questions. Finding the cure for cancer, Universal Mind is the answer, using this mind to end war, poverty, of even global warming. YES YES YES, it is a definite.

One of the most amazing things that scientists have discovered is the everything, no matter what it is, has some of the same DNA, That means the desk I’m sitting at has some of my DNA, it sure does, every person I encounter is really my brother or sister, or one of my relatives.  Not of the same parents but of the same Universal Cloth so to say.

The more time we spend focusing on who we are thru meditation and other means of connecting to God and I mean really Let Go and Let God and focus on all the good that is in our lives and in the things we see around us, the more connected we become to that GOD mind, and our lives become more and more Christ like.

Like all the Natural Laws of the Universe the Law of Attraction and the Law of Mind are impersonal and because of there nature they are compelled to act.

This shows how important our Word is. So to keep you clear, Universal Mind or Conscious Mind and Spirit are the same. They are that part of the Trinity which is Self Knowing or God.

Now I would like to tell you why it is important to study Metaphysics. If you are not familiar with all the terminology some of the terms we use can be confusing.

Visit Site Map For Life and read about some of the other pages offered here at Metaphysics-For-Better-Living.com.

This page Universal Mind 2 and Rev. Bill's page on Universal Mind go together read them both for more clarity. 

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The warrior steps forth to accept the unknown and challenge disbelief, for if it lies in mind it Is, by God!


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