When Will Life Get Better

When Will Life Get Better? When we had enough! The only way to change our life is to consciously choose to do it. Life is a series of habits, good and bad, that we have developed thru the years. 

If you are drinking, doing drugs, gambling or other things that are not for your higher good, then rad this website. If not then a good place to start changing would be to get out of your comfort zone. 

Encouraging Thoughts are a good way to help others. It will also help us in our spiritual journey as well. I know for me I am always trying to improve myself. Sometimes it is simple getting out of myself and interacting with others. I want to be the best person I can be, not just for myself but for my family and friends. People talk about leaving a legacy. What better way to be thought of as a loving, encouraging, supportive spouse, father ,mother, friend. Today is the first day of your life, make the most of it.

When Will Life Get Better?
When we choose to make changes!

Like it say's in the picture above to change your past and to help build a better future try something different by sharing a little piece of yourself.

It could be a co-worker, your spouse or anyone you know, saying something like hey you look nice today. This could make a difference not just for them but also for you.

A perfect way to stay positive is by sharing your experiences. Whether you are a part of a religious group, or are in AA, or maybe you can start a spiritual group to share and learn. Take a class you always wanted to do but for whatever reason did not. I always wanted to do Tai Chi and now I finally have. Take the time to smile and say hi to everyone you come in contact with.

Encouraging Thoughts are positive affirmations that help you see the perfection of life. Focus on the positive and the negative will find it hard to take root. 

 Ernest Holmes the founder of Science of Mind says this: "It has been observed that suggestions, planted in the subconscious, become memories, and eventually tend to externalize in the body. From this it has been deduced that the sub-conscious mind is the builder of the body and is the creative factor in man. It has also been proven that certain types of thought produce certain kinds of results. This shows that the subjective mind takes our suggestions and tends to act upon them, no matter what the suggestion may be.

While the Instinctive Man, or the Natural Man, must be perfect, it is known that the thoughts of the conscious man may hinder instinctive action, through adverse suggestion. That is, conscious thought, acting as memory, may build a false condition in the body, which condition we call disease. Conscious thought may also erase this memory and thereby heal the disease.

Through observations such as these, a science of the subjective mind has gradually been formulated, many facts have been put together; and, to-day, these facts constitute what we call the science of the subjective life in its relationship to mental healing."

When you start to consciously practice getting out of yourself and start to encourage other it may seem awkward or foolish, fake it till you make comes to mind. It may take some time to change our personality, but it is worth it for you and others. I believe that everyone we come in contact with is attracted to us or you to them. Life is energy and what you put out you get back. Another positive outcome of encouraging thoughts is that you only want to attract positive people into your life so you can experience spiritual growth.

Go to someone that you might not normally express affection to and tell them you love them. It will feel good for you and them. The more you express love the more you will get back. Maybe you will also help others to express themselves and thus pay it forward.

One of the first books I read on my spiritual journey was Loise Hay You Can Heal Your Life, Available on my page eBook Download Free. She say this:

"Every thought we think is creating our future. No matter where we live on the planet or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances. The point of power is always in the present moment. Think thoughts that make you happy."

We really are all connected. 

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” 
 Deepak Chopra

Please take the time to share some of yourself and you will be rewarded.

"When we are able to do away with all sense of separateness by living continually in the realization of this oneness, not only will our bodily ills and weaknesses vanish, but all limitations along all lines."

Ralph Waldo Trine

We have all heard the term pay it forward, well this is your chance to share your wisdom, experiences, pains, challenges or a good book you have read that you think will be beneficial to others.

What Is Your Favorite Book?

We are all in this World to Help Each Other. Tell others about your Favorite Book.

May be you received a Spiritual Awakening. If you were Blessed in any way let others know.

Pay It Forward and the Law of Attraction will Bless You with with more of the same.

The more we give to others the more we receive.

Lets get a good Discussion going and we will all get to grow from the experience.

For us to Live Consciously we need to show our LOVE.

Lets LOVE One Another.

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