One of Ernest Holmes
Best Positive Affirmations
"Strange as it may seem, the human thought can affirm only; it can never deny; for, even at the moment of denial, it really affirms the presence of that which it denies. We speak of denials and affirmations as though they were opposed to each other, but such is not the case. Fear and faith are but different ways of expressing positive beliefs about something. Fear is a positive belief that we will experience something that we do not wish to have happen, while faith is a positive belief that we will experience something that we do wish to have happen. The nature of Being is such that real denial is impossible; for there is but One Mind in the Universe, and It is always "yea and amen." We are constantly affirming our way through life; and since affirmation is the only mental action possible, it behooves us to find the greatest affirmation and use it. The Supreme Affirmation is, "I AM"; and, as such, It was given to Moses. This affirmation is constantly with us, and every time we speak we use it in some form. We must be careful to use it only as an up building force."
Positive Affirmation and Living Consciously is were you begin.
Positive Affirmation, Spiritual Affirmation,
Spiritual Mind Treatment are all the same.
I could have very easily gave you your choice of Positive Affirmations but then when they ran out and you were confronted with something in your life, What Then? SO after meditating on it I realized that if I did it for you I would be doing you a disservice.
The Power of Positive Thinking shows me this is best. So I am going to teach you how a Positive Affirmation works. As far as this Science of Mind Minister is concerned Ernest Holmes my Mentor and Founder of Religious Science or Science of Mind they are the same, explained it in the simplest terms. I will explain how to write, understand, and feel a Positive Affirmation in the easiest way I know.
I also know that there is a technique for a Spiritual Mind Treatment or Positive Affirmation which can be taught. I also know there is something vital to a treatment that can not be taught- your identification with the Center and Source of your being, which is pure Spirit. This you must find for yourself through continuous awareness of the Presence that surrounds and dwells in you.
You must make conscious use of this indwelling Presents for a definite purpose. You must ground your actions in a deep inner perception and conviction of the Spiritual Truth about yourself and any condition related to what you are Affirming.
A perception of wholeness is the consciousness of healing. If we are to become whole, it must be through the perception of wholeness. The mold which we create with intellect is necessary, but the realization, that which catches Fire from heaven. The first two stages of treatment. Recognition and Unification, form a portal through which you allow your perception of wholeness to shine illuminating every word you think, speak, or write.
In your own words,” I acknowledge the ONENESS, the ALLNESS the WHOLENESS of GOD. I express my deep conviction that GOD is all there is, that there is nothing anywhere bot GOD. That there is no spot, no situation were GOD is not. Because GOD is ALL-Inclusive, that GOD is infinite Love that rules the Universe through the Law of Being. I am seeking to become wholly immersed in my awareness of the Presence and Power in, under, over, around, and through all that is and I allow this awareness to flood my being, bringing peace and serenity. I know that ALL is LOVE and ALL is LAW.”
In your own words,” I declare that there is ONE MIND [or Presence, or Spirit] , that MIND is GOD, that MIND is my mind now, that I am inseparable ONE at the source with the infinite Presence and Power , that “Thou art that which I am, I am which Thou art.” I express my deep knowledge that GOD in me , as me, is me, that I am made of the same GOD-STUFF, a whole, perfect, and complete child of GOD. This is Who I Am. This is the Truth about me.”
Before beginning you carefully formulate the purpose of your [ Prayer, Affirmation or treatment]. First! State the condition in your life that want to change.
Example: I urgently need a job. Unemployment benefits are running out and bills are piling up.
Then! You state the changed condition that you expect to experience as a result of this treatment.
Example: A new job is now mine which meets my financial needs with substance to share and spare, and offers room for growth and contribution.
In your own words This is the purpose of my treatment. “In stating this purpose. I have placed in the Creative Medium [the law] a mold ,or mental equivalent, of the specific good which I am treating. My consciousness is now free for full realization of the Spiritual Truth of my being and my affairs.”
Example: I deeply and fully realize that the good I desire is already mine because of WHO I AM. GOD'S perfect child, a Spiritual Being right now, right were I am. I am ONE with all the abundance and energy of the Universe. I wholly recognize, accept, and embody this truth, and allow it to unfold in my experience.
This is the realization in your treatment.
3: REALIZATION= I ACCEPT and Embody My Good.
Now, I speak my word for myself [or someone you are praying for and use there name and see them as whole] and again in your own words “I express my deep realization that all the riches of the Universe are my heritage because of WHO I AM,GOD'S perfect child. I declare that I wholly accept and embody this realization as the Spiritual Truth of my being and my affairs, that I clearly see the special good that I desire as already mine, right now being manifested through the perfect action of Law. My entire being is open and ready to receive this good that is mine now. [Your deep feeling and acceptance in this stage is the “Fire from Heaven”that must be present if the treatment is to be really effective.]
In your own words “ I express my overwhelming thankfulness for the Truth of my being and affairs, and for my knowing of this truth, for the good that is taking form in my experience, for my joy in this manifestation. This stage is just simply an outpouring of your attitude of gratitude for life and all it holds.
Again in your own words,” I now release my word to the action of the LAW. I know that, as I have spoken in Truth, believing and accepting, my good is now coming into manifestation.” It is important that this release be total. You may treat again tomorrow for the same good, but the present treatment is a spiritual entity and, as such, is being released into the Law.
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Author of self-awareness books and Daily Inspiration messages
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