Creating the right joy

by Rev Carol
(Tamp Fl)

There have been times in my life where employment was hard to find. Slim pickings as they say. In my early years as a minister I wrote the following affirmation. I hope it gets you
the job where you are meant to be.
God is the one essence of supply. God provides all and has created and creates all there is. Seen and unseen are all of God. Constant supply for everything is of God. There is only perfect devine right action in God's life My life is God's life, there is only divine right action with perfect supply in my life now. God's will for me is to express Godself through mer, by joyous performance of God's work. I only work with people willing to know the truth about life and beingness. I am surrounded in my perfect employment with wonderful caring people who share a common life thread with me. I am paid more than enough to prosper myself with extra to share and pleasure myself and others. My spiritual needs are now being meet and ever expanding to greater and greater heights of love and understanding. I have more than enough time to do my own creative things. All is incorporated into total pleasure for me and everyone who comes in contact withe. I have opportunity to share the good news of life and its abundance for me and everyone else. Everything is peaceful and easy. I constantly grow in self-worth and self -power. There is no void in my life when transcending from one area of my life to another. I eliminate from my life people with negative life styles or attitudes. I no longer have to report to anyone. God is my BOSS. No one talks down to me, I am surrounded by people who appreciate the treasure I am in their life. I eliminate any fear, discord or thoughts of lack. Those thoughts are no longer a part of my life. I know without a doubt that my life and employment is always perfect. I do Gods work and know that this work that I love sustains me in all areas of life. Thank you God for the experience of seeing what I want to eliminate in my life and I am now doing Gods work and any other form of worry no way detracts me from what I am really meant to do. Thank you for the constant divine ideas so I am now doing Gods perfect work for me. The entire process of my life is perfect and in right order. Right order, is and is always been established. All that has stopped my good is now behind me.
I release my word to the Universe knowing that as I have spoken is done.

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