What Is Motivation2
Authored by Rev. Carol

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What is Motivation2 

 It is the positive messages we get from other spiritual teachers.

The kingdom that Jesus talks about is all about us and within us.

When we raise our thoughts to a level of Christ consciousness, nothing really happens to us in a three dimensional sense.

Everything about our appearance is really the same but we see everything differently, we see a new spiritual dimension.

There is no true understanding of ourselves or of life in general until this awakening takes place. The wonderful part of life is that there is meaning on every level, and there are points of growth and fulfillment on every level. There is a deep, important meaning for you right where you are now.

It is important that Jesus was on the road of overcoming right up the very end.

Which was a new beginning. When He said follow me” and “come after me." He was talking as a big brother who knew He was not only pursuing His goal but making a trail for us to follow.

He said “ that where I AM, there ye may be also (John 14:3)." He is saying “ follow me into a greater awareness." The truth by which you can see and demonstrate higher and higher uses of the law.

Jesus was a man, “one just like us.”

When Jesus returned from the dead he demonstrated his teaching of the Divinity of Man. He proved in the most dramatic manner that there is a place within man beyond the human. He became the greatest explorer of inner space.

Jesus said “I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly, John 10:10." "He wanted to show us what life really is. Life to the average person consists of birth, emotions, eating, drinking, education, business, pleasure, hoping, wishing, sleeping worrying, having, fighting, hoarding, dominating, disappointments, and death. We often say in some limitation, “well that’s life for you? But it is not life at all. Life is God and life is boundless with no limitations.

We have the power to go beyond the end of things to a new opportunity and a new vision for overcoming. Through the resurrection principle man can overcome death and restore. We may not understand it or even believe it, but some of our scientists today are hinting at such a possibility. What is more important and can happen now is man can rise above limited experiences and he can go forward through any dark hour to a new beginning, just by changing our thought patterns and how we perceive things.

What Is Motivation2

You are divine

No matter what you have thought of yourself, no matter what you have done in your life or with it, no matter how limited your experience has seemed to be, you are divine. You must wake up. You must realize the depth of your own divine potential. The divinity of you is eternal, ageless, deathless, whole and complete. It is that part of you that see's the truth and knows even when you are facing confusion and fear. It is that part of you that can never be alone. It is part of you that can never be sick. It is that part of you that can never be frustrated, for it is the true God self of you.

The great need in life for all of us is not so much to achieve the ability to set all things right, but to gain the perception to see them rightly. In human consciousness, man is forever trying to adjust things, to change people, to manipulate events. He even tries to use prayer to assist him in setting things right. He/she wants his/her daughter or son to marry a particular person.

He/she wants his/her son or daughter to take this job or go to this school and get that result.

In his/her own job, always trying to make co-workers fall into a mold that has been created for them. And, of course, these goals never quite materialize as hoped.

He/she does not give up easily.

He/she prays long and hard, for “my will not thine.”

It’s like trying to put iron filings in a certain order, when they are being influenced by a magnet. They must find their own pattern. Life is for living! And living is an experience in growth and fulfillment. It is not so important what happens around us. What counts is what happens in us. Problem situations and problem people may stand in our way. We may be temped to try to set them right and it is an impossible to do so to an extent. But we still haven’t solved our own problems, of subconscious thought that drew the experience to us in the first place: and the level of consciousness that we have.

Maybe the important thing is not to solve problems but to be solved by them. Could this have been what Jacob meant when he said, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me look up and live!." This is admission of life that man has lost sight of. This is the thing we need more than anything else. No so much to find he way to change people or even to change ourselves, but to lift up our eyes and see deeply - too see the immortal, to see the divine. This is the way from here to eternity, the gateway to the kingdom and the practical technique for demonstrating life more abundant.

Suddenly, the former things - to late, to old, too little or big - are passed away. They are not irrelevant “all things become anew” We are resurrected into a new consciousness of peace, power and plenty.

So I say rise above appearances of (death) to the transcendence of life, to know there is no bondage to what appearances are.

Keep your mind positive. Always look for Motivational Thought were ever you can find it.

 What is Motivation2 is a pathway for this.

Mediate on a dream that has died and restore it to a living positive experience.

This is true Motivational Thought. I hope it motivates you.

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